This is a page dedicated to Valentino Braitenberg.

Valentino serious
Presently it is very preliminary.

9 december 2011- Bolzano: Book dedicated to the 85 years of Valentino Braitenberg published. Articles in English, German and Italian by different authors. Editor: Raetia, Bolzano.

Press-releases about Book:


He passed away on 9.9.2011, leaving many friends with sadness. The contributions in his honour are listed here respectively in Italian, German or English.
Pfarrer Maihöfer
Niels Bierbaumer
Giuseppe O. Longo
Composite text of Zeno and Carla Braitenberg
Stefano Crespi Reghizzi
Ugo Morelli
Aldo de Luca
Moshe Abeles
Benedetto Scimemi
Almut Schuez
Kuno Kirschfeld

Edoardo Boncinelli in "Corriere della Sera" of 11. sept. 2011
Ugo Morelli in "Corriere dell'Alto Adige" of 11. sept. 2011
Schwäbisches Tagblatt of 12. sept. 2011
FF Wochenmagazin: authored by Norbert Dall'O, Inga Hosp and Zeno Braitenberg
Dolomiten of 19. sept. 2011
Alto Adige of 20 sept. 2011
Fabio Pagan in "Il Piccolo" of 5 October 2011
Giuseppe O. Longo su Avvenire del 8 Ottobre 2011
Massimo Egidi, Domenica Il Sole 24 Ore, 20 novembre 2011
Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience: Bernstein Newsletter 12/2011
Campus Intern - Zeitschrift des Max-Planck-Campus Tübingen Dezember/2011
Max Planck Journal 3/2011
Schwäbisches Tagblatt, Jahresrückblick 2011
Schwäbisches Tagblatt, Tentakel des Geistes, Buchbesprechung 1. März 2012


Comments and suggestions to the Homepage_Editor:

Publications of Valentin Braitenberg




  Braitenberg, V.: Information - der Geist in der Natur.  Schattauer, Stuttgart (2011)


Braitenberg, V.: Das Bild der Welt im Kopf. Eine Naturgeschichte des Geistes.  LIT Verlag, Münster, Germany

(2004), sowie Schattauer, Stuttgart (2009).  Italienische Übersetzung: L‘immagine del mondo nella testa.  Adelphi, Milano (2008)

 Braitenberg, V.: Ill oder Der Engel und die Philosophen.  Haffmans, Zürich, Switzerland (1999), sowie ARUNDA 49/1999, und dtv, München (2001).

 Italienische Übersetzung: La vergine e i filosofi. Romanzo. Traven Books, Laives, France (2006)

 Sabin, S., Z. Gahse and V. Braitenberg: Wörter, Wörter, Wörter! Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen (1999)

Braitenberg, V.: Il gusto della lingua: Meccanismi cerebrali e strutture grammaticali. Alpha & Beta, Merano,Italy (1996)

Braitenberg, V. and A. Schüz: Anatomy of the cortex: statistics and geometry. Springer, Berlin (1991),

2. Auflage unter dem Titel: Cortex: Statistics and geometry of neuronal connectivity (1998)

Braitenberg, V.: Vehicles. Experiments in synthetic psychology. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (1984)

Italienische Übersetzung: I veicoli pensanti. Saggio di psicologia sintetica. Garzanti, Milano (1984)           
Deutsche Übersetzung: Künstliche Wesen. Verhalten kybernetischer Vehikel. Vieweg, Braunschweig,

(1986), sowie Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg, Germany (1993), sowie: LIT-Verlag. Münster (2004)

 Japanische Übersetzung: Tetsugaku Shobo, Tokyo (1987)
Französische Übersetzung: Véhicules. Expériences en psychologie synthétique.  Presses Polytechniques

Romandes, Lausanne, Switzerland (1991)

Braitenberg, V.: Gescheit sein: und andere unwissenschaftliche Essays. Haffmans, Zürich, Switzerland (1987)

Italienische Übersetzung: Il cervello e le idee: saggi sull‘intelligenza, il linguaggio, la scienza. Garzanti, Milano (1989)

Braitenberg, V.: Gehirngespinste. Neuroanatomie für kybernetisch Interessierte. Springer, Berlin (1973)

Englische Übersertzung: On the Texture of Brains. An introduction to neuroanatomy for the cybernetically minded. Springer, New York, NY (1977), Chapter 2 reprinted (1994) in: Biology and Computation. A physicist’s choice. reprint volume, 78-81, (Eds.) H. Gutfreund and G. Toulouse, World Scientific, Singapore

 Italienische Übersetzung: I tessuti intelligenti. Paolo Boringhieri, Torino (1980)

 Kemali, M. and V. Braitenberg: Atlas of the frog‘s brain. Springer, Berlin (1969)


Edited books


Braitenberg, V. and  F. J. Radermacher (Eds.): Interdisciplinary Approaches to a New Understanding of

Cognition and Consciousness. Ulmer Universitätsverlag, 2007


Braitenberg, V and A. Aertsen (Eds.): Brain Theory. Biological Basis and Computational Principles. Elsevier,

            Amsterdam, (1996)


Braitenberg, V. and I. Hosp (Eds.): Die Natur ist unser Modell von ihr. Forschung und Philosophie. Das

Bozner Treffen 1995. Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg (1996)

Braitenberg, V. and I. Hosp (Eds.): Simulation. Computer zwischen Experiment und Theorie. Rowohlt,

Reinbek bei Hamburg (1995)

Braitenberg, V. and I. Hosp (Eds.): Evolution. Entwicklung und Organisation in der Natur. Das Bozner

Treffen 1993.  Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg (1994)

Braitenberg, V. and A. Aertsen (Eds.): Information Processing in the Cortex. Experiments and Theory.

Springer, Berlin (1992)

Braitenberg, V. (Ed.):  Das Unterdach des Abenlands. Arunda 23, Schlanders (1988)


Braga, G., Braitenberg, V., Cipolli, C., Coseriu, E., Crespi Reghizzi, S., Mehler, J. and R. Titone (Eds):

            L'accostamento interdisciplinare allo studio del linguaggio, Franco Angeli, Milano (1980)


Braitenberg, V. (Coordinating Ed.): Studies of brain function, 19 volumes, Springer, Berlin (1977-1993)






Braitenberg, V. and D. Selvatico (Eds.): Il Laboratorio di scienze cognitive dell‘Università degli studi di Trento: Saggi e Lavori, Novembre 1999 - Dicembre 2000.  Università degli studi di Trento, Trento (2000)


Braitenberg, V. and C. G. Orsini (Eds.): Il Laboratorio di science cognitive, Attivitá ottobre 1998-novembre 1999, Vol. II, Progetti di ricerca. Università degli studi di Trento, Trento (1999)


Braitenberg, V. and C. G. Orsini (Eds.): Il Laboratorio di science cognitive, Attivitá ottobre 1998-novembre 1999, Vol. I, Saggi e lavori. Università degli studi di Trento, Trento (1999)


Braitenberg, V. and E.R, Caiainiello  (Eds.): Ricerche teoriche e sperimentali di cibernetica svolte nell‘anno accademico 1961-1962 nel Laboritorio di cibernetica presso l‘Istitutio di Fisica Teorica dell‘Università di Napoli.  Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma (1964)

Journal Articles 


Braitenberg, V.: In Defense of the Cerebellum. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 978, 175-183


Heck, D., F. Sultan and V. Braitenberg: Sequential stimulation of rat cerebellar granular layer in vivo.

Further evidence of a "tidal-wave" timing mechanism in the cerebellum. Neurocomputing 38-40, 641-646 (2001)

Braitenberg, V.: Brain size and number of neurons. An exercise in synthetic neuroanatomy. Journal of

Computational Neuroscience 10(1), 71-77 (2001)

Braitenberg, V.: Thoughts on the neuronal hardware of language. Cognitive Processing 2(2-3), 263-278


Braitenberg, V.: Informationsbiologie (Wenn ich heute Postdoc wäre...) Laborjournal 9, 18-20 (2000)

Braitenberg, V.: Selection, the Impersonal Engineer. Artificial Life 4(4), 309-310 (1998) [Note: Reprint of

Chapter 6 from Vehicles, Experiments in Synthetic Psychology]

Braitenberg, V., D. Heck and F. Sultan: The detection and generation of sequences as a key to cerebellar

function. Experiments and theory. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20(2), 229-245 (1997)

Braitenberg, V., D. Heck and F. Sultan: Waiting for the ultimate theory of the cerebellum. Behavioral and

Brain Sciences 20(2), 267-271 (1997)

Braitenberg, V.: Searching for language mechanisms in the brain. Cybernetics and Systems 28(3), 187-213


Braitenberg, V.: L‘imitazione degli automi naturali. Sistemi e Impresa 39(10), 13-15 (1993)

Sultan, F. and V. Braitenberg: Shapes and sizes of different mammalian cerebella. A study in quantitative

comparative neuroanatomy. Journal für Hirnforschung 34(1), 79-92 (1993)

Braitenberg, V. and F. Pulvermüller: Entwurf einer neurologischen Theorie der Sprache.

Naturwissenschaften 79(3), 103-117 (1992)

Braitenberg, V. and H. Preissl: Why is the output of the cerebellum inhibitory? Behavioral and Brain Sciences

15, 715-717 (1992)

Braitenberg, V.: Reading the structure of brains. Network 1(1), 1-11 (1990). Reprinted (1994) in: Biology

and Computation. A physicist’s choice Reprint volume, 260-270, (Eds.) H. Gutfreund and G. Toulouse, World Scientific, Singapore

Braitenberg, V.: La corteccia cerebrale come sede di memoria associativa. Sistemi Intelligenti 2, 213-227


Braitenberg, V. and A. Schüz: Cortex: hohe Ordnung oder grösstmögliches Durcheinander? Spektrum der

Wissenschaft 1989(5), 74-86 (1989)

Braitenberg, V.: Der Wurm im Ich. Kursbuch 95, 39-45 (1989)

Braitenberg, V.: Monistische Meditationen. Kursbuch 91, 161-171 (1988)

Braitenberg, V.: Sieben Schnitte durch die Wissenschaft. Das Fenster: Tiroler Kulturzeitschrift 1986, 3863-

3866 (1986)

Braitenberg, V.: Lalula: das Nichtverstandenwerden und die Sprache. Kursbuch 84, 52-56 (1986)

Braitenberg, V.: Gescheit sein! Kursbuch 80, 1-9 (1985)

Braitenberg, V.: Tentakeln des Geistes. Kursbuch 78, 35-45 (1984)

Braitenberg, V.: Alla ricerca di morfemi all‘interno del cervello. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia 3, 521-541


Braitenberg, V.: The cerebellum revisited. Journal of Theoretical Neurobiology 2, 237-241 (1983)

Braitenberg, V.: Das Gehirn, die graue Eminenz des Verhaltens. Das Fenster: Tiroler Kulturzeitschrift 31,

3114-3120 (1982)

Braitenberg, V. and C. Braitenberg: Geometry of orientation columns in the visual cortex. Biological

Cybernetics 33(3), 179-186 (1979)

Braitenberg, V.: The concept of symmetry in neuroanatomy. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

299, 186-196 (1977)

Burkhardt, W. and V. Braitenberg: Some peculiar synaptic complexes in the first visual ganglion of the fly,

Musca domestica. Cell and Tissue Research 173(3), 287-308 (1976)

Braitenberg, V.: Real Neural Networks. Progress in Brain Research 45, 197-205 (1976)

Braitenberg, V, L.J. Garey, F.L. Rice and H. van der Loos.: Letters to the editor. Report on the workshop

Organization and Processing in Neocortex. Neuroscience Letters 1(6), 349-353 (1975)

Braitenberg, V.: Thoughts on the cerebral cortex. Journal of Theoretical Biology 46(2), 421-427 (1974)

Braitenberg, V. and P. Debbage: A regular net of reciprocal synapses in the visual system of the fly, Musca

domestica. Journal of Comparative Physiology 90(1), 25-31 (1974)

Braitenberg, V.: Remarks on the Texture of Brains. International Journal of Neuroscience 6(1), 5-6 (1973)

Braitenberg, V. and H. Hauser-Holschuh: Patterns of projection in the visual system of the fly II:

Quantitative aspects of second order neurons in relation to models of movement perception. Experimental Brain Research 16(2), 184-209 (1972)

Braitenberg, V.: Ordnung und Orientierung der Elemente im Sehsystem der Fliege. Kybernetik 7(6), 235-242


Strausfeld, N. J. and V. Braitenberg: The compound eye of the fly (Musca domestica): connections between

the cartridges of the lamina ganglionaris. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Physiologie 70(2), 95-104 (1970)

Braitenberg, V. and M. Kemali: Exceptions to bilateral symmetry in the epithalamus of lower vertebrates.

Journal of Comparative Neurology 138(2), 137-146 (1970)

Braitenberg, V.: Hirnforschung zwischen Lokalisationslehre und Systemanalyse. Attempto 35-36, 43-48


Reichardt, W., V. Braitenberg and G. Weidel: Auslösung von Elementarprozessen durch einzelne

Lichtquanten im Fliegenauge: Verhaltensexperimente an der Stubenfliege Musca. Kybernetik 5(4), 148-169 (1968)

Braitenberg, V. and K. Kirschfeld: Optische und neurale Projektion der Umwelt auf die Ganglien im

Komplexauge der Fliege. Mitteilungen der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 1968(3), 185-206 (1968)

Braitenberg, V.: Contributi tecnici e concettuali dell‘elettronica allo studio dei cervelli viventi. Atti della

Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 365(110), 1 (1968)

Braitenberg, V., V. Guglielmotti and E. Sada: Correlation of crystaL growth with the staining of axons by

the Golgi procedure. Stain Technology 42(6), 277-283 (1967)

Braitenberg, V.: On the use of theories, models and cybernetical toys in brain research. Brain Research 6(2),

201-216 (1967)

Braitenberg, V.: Patterns of projection in the visual system of the fly. I. Retina-lamina projections.

Experimental Brain Research 3(3), 271-298 (1967)

Braitenberg, V.: Is the cerebellar cortex a biological clock in the millisecond range? Progress in Brain

Research 25, 334-346 (1967)

Braitenberg, V.: Unsymmetrische Projektion der Retinulazellen auf die Lamina ganglionaris bei der Fliege

Musca domestica. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Physiologie 52(2), 212-214 (1966)

Braitenberg, V. and C. Taddei Ferretti: Landing reaction of musca domestica induced by visual stimuli.

Naturwissenschaften 53(6), 155 (1966)

Braitenberg, V.: Electroencephalographic evidence of "Gestalt" in the perception of movement by the frog.

Kybernetik 2(6), 284-287 (1965)

Braitenberg, V., G. Gambardella, G. Ghigo and U. Vota: Observations on spike sequences from

spontaneously active Purkinje cells in the frog. Kybernetik 2(5), 197-205 (1965)

Braitenberg, V.: What can be learned from spike interval histograms about synaptic mechanisms. Journal of

Theoretical Biology 8(3), 419-425 (1965)

Braitenberg, V.: Taxis, Kinesis and Decussation. Progress in Brain Research 17, 210-222 (1965)

Braitenberg, V. and E. Sada: Osservazioni sul metodo cromoargentico di Golgi. Laboratorio Scientifico 12(3),

65-72 (1964)

Braitenberg, V.: Considerazioni cibernetiche sulla logica. Scientia 98, 233-238 (1963)

Braitenberg, V.: A note on myeloarchitectonics. Journal of Comparative Neurology 118(2), 141-156 (1962)

Braitenberg, V.: Functional interpretation of cerebellar histology. Nature 190(4775), 539-540 (1961)

Braitenberg, V.: Funktionelle Deutung von Strukturen in der grauen Substanz des Nervensystems.

Naturwissenschaften 48(14), 489-496 (1961)

Braitenberg, V.: Sulle possibili ragioni dell‘eccellenza dei cervelli naturali rispetto a quelli artificiali. Scientia

55, 1-5 (1961)

Braitenberg, V. and F. Lauria: Toward a mathematical description of the grey substance of nervous systems.

Il Nuovo Cimento 18(Supplement 2), 149-165 (1960)

Braitenberg, V.: Morphology of nerve nets. Il Nuovo Cimento 13(Supplement 2), 521-531 (1959)

Braitenberg, V., E. R. Caianiello, F. Lauria and N. Onesto: A system of coupled oscillators as a functional

model of neuronal assemblies. Il Nuovo Cimento 11(2), 278-282 (1959)

Braitenberg, V.: L‘imitazione degli automi naturali. Methodos 11, 1-9 (1959)

Braitenberg, V. and R. P. Atwood: Morphological observations on the cerebellar cortex. Journal of

Comparative Neurology 109(1), 1-33 (1958)

Braitenberg, V. and B. Callieri: Malattia demielinizzante tipo Schilder a decorso acutissimo. Rivista di

Neurologia 25(5), 771-786 (1955)

Braitenberg, V.: Il metodo più rapido di colorazione delle fibre mieliniche. Laboratorio Scientifico 3, 1 (1955)

Spaccarelli, G. and V. Braitenberg: Storia dei bromuri e dei composti organici di sintesi nella cura

dell‘epilessia. Recenti Progressi in Medicina 19, 419-433 (1955)

Braitenberg, V.: Zur Frage der anatomischen Veränderungen des Gehirns bei Schizophrenie. Münchener

Medizinische Wochenschrift 96(14), 365-367 (1954)

Ederli, A. and V. Braitenberg: Sugli astrocitomi diffusi. Rivista di Neurologia 23(2), 97-126 (1953)

Braitenberg, V.: Sulle strie orizzontali della corteccia cerebrale. Il Lavoro Neuropsichiatrico 13, 398-409


Conference Papers 



Braitenberg, V.: Elementary Neural Mechanisms for Linguistic Modelling. In: Interdisciplinary Approaches to a

New Understanding of Cognition and Conciousness. Ergebnisband Villa Vigoni Konferenz, Italy 1997, Ulmer Universitätsverlag (2007)

Braitenberg, V.: Sketch of a proof of Goldbach‘s conjecture. In: Il Laboratorio di scienze cognitive

dell‘Università degli studi di Trento. Saggi e Lavori, Novembre 1999 - Dicembre 2000, 470-479. (Eds.) Braitenberg, V., D. Selvatico, Universitá degli Studi di Trento, Trento, Italy (2003)

Braitenberg, V.: Remarks on the semantics of "information" In: Il Laboratorio di scienze cognitive

dell‘Università degli studi di Trento: Saggi e Lavori, Novembre 1999 - Dicembre 2000, 239-241. (Eds.) Braitenberg, V., D. Selvatico, Università degli Studi di Trento, Trento, Italy (2003)

Braitenberg, V.: The cerebellar network. In: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on

Conceptual Tools for Understanding Nature (Eds.) Costa, G., G. Calucci, M. Giorgi, World Scientific, Singapore (1995)

Schüz, A. and V. Braitenberg: Constraints to a random plan of cortical connectivity. In: Structural and

functional organization of the neocortex, proceedings of a symposium in the memory of Otto D. Creutzfeldt, May 1993, 161-169. (Eds.) Albowitz, B., U. Kuhnt, H.C. Nothdurft, P. Wahle, Springer, Berlin (1994)

Braitenberg, V.:The cerebellar network: attempt at a formalization of its structure. In: Proceedings of the First

International Symposium on Conceptual Tools for Understanding Nature, 143-148. (Eds.) Costa, G. G. Calucci, M. Giorgi, World Scientific, Singapore (1993). Reprinted (1994) in: Biology and Computation. A physicist’s choice Reprint volume, 657-664, (Eds.) H. Gutfreund and G. Toulouse, World Scientific, Singapore 


Braitenberg, V. and A. Schüz: Basic features of cortical connectivity and some considerations on language.

In: Language Origin: a Multidisciplinary Approach, 89-102. (Eds.) Wind, J., B. Chiarelli, B. H. Bichakjian, A. Nocentini, A. Jonker, Kluwer, Dordrecht, Netherlands (1992)

Braitenberg, V.: Logics at different levels in the brain. In: Atti del Congresso Nuovi Problemi della Logica e

della Filosofia della Scienza . (Eds.) Constantini, D., M. C. Gavalotti, G. Corsi, G. Sambin, Editrice CLUEB, Bologna (1991)

Braitenberg, V.: Some Types of Movements. In: Artificial life.  Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Workshop on

the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, 555-565. (Eds.) Langton, C. G. Addison-Wesley, Redwood City, CA, USA (1988)

Braitenberg, V.: Some problems in brain science awaiting theoretical treatment. In: Physics of cognitive

processes: Amalfi 1986, 75-78. (Eds.) Caianiello, E. R. World Scientific, Singapore (1987)


Braitenberg, V.: Describing the brain in logical terms or the logical terms in the brain. In: Atti del Congresso

Nuovi Problemi della Logica e della Filosofia della Scienza, Editrice CLUEB, Bologna (1986)

Braitenberg, V.: Two views of the cerebral cortex. In: Brain theory. Proceedings of the 1st Trieste Meeting on

Brain Theory, Oct. 1 - 4, 1984, 81-96. (Eds.) Palm, G., A. Aertsen, Springer, Berlin (1986)

Braitenberg, V.: Outline of a theory of the cerebral cortex. In: Biomathematics in 1980: papers presented at a

workshop on Biomathematics, 127-132. (Eds.) Ricciardi, L. M., A. Scott, North Holland, Amsterdam (1982)

Braitenberg, V.: A selection of facts and conjectures about the cerebral cortex inspired by the theory of cell

assemblies. In: Advances in Physiological Sciences. Proceedings of the 30th International Congress of Physiological Sciences, 287-289. (Eds.) Szekely, G., E. Labos, S. Damjanovich, Pergamon Press, New York, NY (1981)

Braitenberg, V.: Anatomical basis for divergence, convergence and integration in the cerebral cortex. In:

Sensory Functions. Proceedings of the 28th International Congress of Physiological Sciences, 411-419. (Eds.) Grastyan, E., P. Molnar, Pergamon Press, Oxford (1981)

Braitenberg, V.: Skizze einer Theorie der Grosshirnrinde. In: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen

Gesellschaft: auf der 73. Jahresversammlung, 201-206, Fischer, Stuttgart (1979)

Braitenberg, V.: Cell assemblies in the cerebral cortex. In: Theoretical approaches to complex systems.

Proceedings, Tübingen, June 11-12, 1977, 171-188. (Eds.) Heim, R., G. Palm, Springer, Berlin, Germany (1978)


Braitenberg, V.: The cerebral cortex from a neuroanatomical vantage point. In: Proceedings of the 1975 International Conference on Cybernetics and Society, 114-116, IEEE, New York, NY, USA (1975)

Braitenberg, V.: On the representation of objects and their relations in the brain. In: Physics and mathematics

of the nervous system. Proceedings of a Summer School, held at Trieste, August 21-31, 1973, 290-298. (Eds.) Conrad, M., W. Güttinger, M. Dal Cin, Springer, Berlin (1974)


Braitenberg, V.: Comparison of different cortices as a basis for speculations on their function.  In:

Synchronization of EEG activity in epilepsies : a symposium organized by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria September 12-13, 1971, 1-8. (Eds.) Petsche, H., M. A.B. Brazier, Springer, Wien (1972)

Braitenberg, V.: Periodic structures and structural gradients in the visual ganglia of the fly. In: Information

processing in the visual systems of arthropods. Symposium held at the Department of Zoology, University of Zurich, March 6-9, 1972, 3-15. (Eds.) Wehner, R. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1972)

Braitenberg, V.: In serach of the neurological wiring responsible for optomotor reactions in insects. In:

Proceedings of the III. International Symposium on Biocybernetics, 93-97. (Eds.) Drischel, H., P. Dettmar, VEB Fischer, Jena, GDR (1972)

Braitenberg, V.: The structure of the visual ganglia in relation to studies on movement perception in the fly.

In: Atti del Congresso di Cibernetica, Vol.1.,  42-53. (Eds.) Baldocchi, M. A., F. Lenci, Lito Felici, Pisa (1971)

Braitenberg, V.: What sort of computer do we expect to find associated with the compound eye of flying

insects? In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Biocybernetics, 215-220, Fischer, Jena, GDR (1971)

Braitenberg, V.: The anatomical substratum of visual perception in flies. In: Elaborazione di dati ottici da parte

di organismi e di macchine: Corso 43, 328-340. (Ed.) Reichardt, W. Academic Press, New York, NY (1969)

Braitenberg, V.: On the neural optics behind the eye of the fly. In: Proceedings of the international school of

physics "Enrico Fermi ", 15-27 July 1968: Processing of optical data by organisms and by machines.

(Ed.) Reichardt, W. Academic Press, New York, NY (1969)

Braitenberg, V.: On the neural optics behind the eye of the fly. In: Cybernetic problems in bionics: Bionics

Symposium 1966, 323-335. (Eds.) Oestreicher, H. L., D. R. Moore, Gordon and Breach Science Publ., New York, NY (1968)

Braitenberg, V.: On chiasms. In: Neural networks. Proceedings of the School on Neural Networks, June 1967

in Ravello, 34-42. (Ed.) Caianiello, E. R. Springer, Berlin, Germany (1968)

Braitenberg, V.: A note on the control of voluntary movements. In: Cybernetics of neural processes: course

held at the International School of Physics, sponsored by NATO at the Istituto di Fisica Teories, Università di Napoli, April 26 - May 13, 1962, 1-6. (Ed.) Caianiello, E. R. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma, Italy (1965)

Braitenberg, V.: Rückschlüsse auf die Funktionscharakteristik einzelner Neurone aus der Statistik spontaner

Spikefolgen. In: Gemeinsame Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biophysik e.V., der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Reine und Angewandte Biophysik und der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Strahlenbiologie, Metropress, Wien (1964)

Braitenberg, V.: Alcuni modelli funzionali della corteccia telencefalica dei Mammiferi. In: X. Rassegna

Internazionale Elettronica Nucleare e Teleradiocinematografica, 155-182 (1963)

Braitenberg, V.: Histology, histonomy, histologic. In: Nerve, brain and memory models. Symposium on

Cybernetics of the Nervous System which was held as part of the 2. International Meeting of Medical Cybernetics at the Royal Academy of Sciences at Amsterdam from 16 - 18 April, 1962, 160-176. (Ed.) Wiener, N. Elsevier, Amsterdam (1963)

Braitenberg, V. and N. Onesto: The cerebellar cortex as a timing organ: Discussion of a hypothesis. In: Atti

del 1. Congresso internazionale di medicina cibernetica: Napoli, 2-5 ottobre 1960, 3-19, Società Internazionale di Medicina Cibernetica, Napoli (1962)

Braitenberg, V.: Ricerche istopatologiche sulla corteccia frontale di schizofrenici. In : Proceedings of the 1st

International Conference on Neuropathology, 621-626, Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino, Italy (1952)


Book Chapters 


Braitenberg, V.: La borsa o la vita: an excercise in applied logics ; Appendix to: Remarks on the Semantics of

"Information". In: Imagination and Rigor. Essays on Eduardo R. Caianiello‘s Scientific Heritage, 35-38. (Ed.) Termini, S. Springer-Italia, Milano, Italy (2006)

Braitenberg, V.: Remarks on the Semantics of "Information". In: Imagination and Rigor. Essays on Eduardo R.

Caianiello’s Scientific Heritage, 31-38. (Eds.) Termini, S. Springer-Verlag Italia, Milano, Italy (2006)


Crespi Reghizzi S. and Braitenberg V.: Towards a brain compatible theory of syntax based on

local testability. In: Grammars and Automata for String Processing, Topics in Computer Mathematics, Vol. 9, pp. 17-32, (Eds.) C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana, Taylor and Francis (2003)

Schüz, A. and V. Braitenberg: The human cortical white matter - quantitative aspects of cortico-cortical long-

range connectivity. In: Cortical Areas: Unity and Diversity, 377-385. (Eds.) Schüz, A., R. Miller, Taylor & Francis, London (2002)

Schüz, A. and V. Braitenberg: Cerebral cortex: Organization and Function. In: International Encyclopedia of

the Social and Behavioral Sciences, N.J. Smelser and B. Baltes (eds.-in-chief) 3, 1634-1660. (Eds.) Smelser, N. J., P. Baltes, Elsevier, Amsterdam (2001)

Braitenberg, V.: Postlude: The neuroanatomy of time. In: Time and the Brain, 391-396. (Ed.) Miller, R.,

Harwood Academic, Amsterdam (2000)

Braitenberg, V.: Entspringt die Logik dem Gehirn oder das Gehirn der Logik? In: Die Natur ist unser Modell

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